Sunday 30 September 2012

After Effect Crazy #2

Just some more after effects practice I did over the Holiday to stop myself from stagnating, they consist of title intros, flare elements and some 3D practice. I did a lot which I won't bore you with sharing on here, let's just say particular has given me some good ideas for year 3 :)

Retro/Futuristic Title Intro

Planets Align

Independant Project: Autrian Photography

Over the Summer holiday I traveled to Austria and completed a personal photography project of mine, it had been in the works for some time and overall it was enriching experience, the ever growing vault of cinematography knowledge had been expanded. A selection of the best are available at flickr below:


Here's one of my faves:

Design Practice 3: Assignment 3: DePict: Development

Extended Edition:


Depict Entry: