Wednesday 24 November 2010

C.R.A.P Lecture

For are lecture last Tuesday we were asked to read the C.R.A.P lecture, CRAP is a design for layout of screen space, including text, graphics and illustrations. First of we have contrast, which can be presented in many different ways, for example: Large text with small text, a cool colour with a warm colour, a thin line with a thick line --------------------------- -------------- and many more. Secondly repetition, the idea of repeated interesting design aspects to push the customer to read on. Alignment, the idea that everything should be connected to something else, nothing is randomly positioned on the page. Finally proximity, the idea that everything should show a relationship to each other.

For our task we had to bring a bad design layout from home into the lecture and swap with fellow students to identify the design flaws and how we would improve them, we were given the DVD cover to Forrest Gump, although me and my group felt that this design has little flaws, we did find a few. The alignment of text was uneven, they could have been more proximity between the graphics and text and finally the text read from the right instead of the left. We were given the opportunity to redesign  the image and here is what I produced:


My Design:

 Western Version:

I have aligned the text right as that is where your eye naturally reads from in our country, made a contrast between small and large lines, created a relationship between text and graphic as he looks like he's staring at the text, positioned the text in line with each other to create deeper impact and also placed the academy awards at the bottom of the page so the title of the film is one of the first things you read.

Samuel Dobson

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