Wednesday 12 October 2011

Design Practice 3: Assignment One: Inspiration & Brainstorming

Firstly I did a brainstorm of all the possible subjects worthy of being classed as 'close to my heart', below are the varied subject I initially thought off:
The Class System, Food, Bullying, Gender Roles, Religion, Drugs and Freedom.

Out of the original brainstorm i decided to pinpoint and pursue the subject of food as I feel I have a genuine interest in it, I am able to easily articulate my own experiences and perspective through it.
I then went about producing a mind map that could visually represent as all the sub-subjects and ideas I had within the area of food, the aim was to try and harness what I wanted to further develop

What is your own experience/perspective of the subject?
As I have progressed through my life I started to become more aware of the quality of food around me, I yearned to experiment with food, try new things, I wanted to produce fresh delicious food of my own. I kind of lost touch with what food was all about, like many other people out there, I wasn't too enthusiastic about cooking and happily went for the fast option. I now believe that dedicating some time to getting involved with your food and taking pride in it can provide great personal satisfaction, it has many benefits. My main subject isn’t just that you shouldn’t eat fatty foods or unhealthy in general, its more aimed to promote traditional values when it comes to food such as knowing and understanding where your food comes from, taking the time to actually gather your ingredients and prepare your meals with pride and generally getting excited about what you eat and rediscovering the benefits it has.

So once I had pinpointed my main area for my gust concept I started researching any articles, videos, pictures that could inspire me or provide me with existing concept I could possible incorporate in my 30 second advert.

Talks about what is known about family meals, analysing reports and statistic. Identifies benefits such as improved family communication and relationships, better school performance, better nutrition and overall more adjusted individuals.  It’s important to building a strong family, and that it benefits society as well. Also identifies obstacles faced such as No time to cook, Don't know how to cook and Would rather do something else.Get more people educated in food and planning meals to be a positive experience

Report discussing How’s It is important to watch carefully what you eat, identifies the impact the fast food industry is having on society, deals with obesity and diabetes.

Interview with Jamie Oliver discussing his food revolution. Talks about Working with a family, rich or poor, that has a terrible relationship with food, and seeing how even the simplest bits of information can completely change their future is inspiring. Also shares the viewpoints that It’s about sharing information and knowledge to get people thinking and getting interested in there food rather than just telling them they shouldn’t eat burgers. Bringing back the traditions of food and getting back in touch.

Website Jammed packs with food politic articles

Deals with the available time people have to make quality food from scratch. People who want to save time or over buying quality ingredients to make delicious food, is it worth it? Battle between technology and food, is it just fuel or should we dedicate more time and pleasure towards our end product.

The slow food movement spawned from the idea that we have lost the connection between flavour and food, food should be locally sourced, simplicity infused with passion equals good food.

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