Sunday 27 November 2011

After Effects CRAZY!

Yep, so After Effects had pretty much been my creative zen this past week, I'm working under the philosophy that It'll be less painful to learn now than a year down the road, when the vast majority of employers and clients are going to want to see evidence of AE competency... film and visual effects are becoming ever more intertwined and I believe it's a necessity to understand both in this modern society. More importantly though I want to gain a greater understanding of how this technology can be incorporated into my projects personally. How can I work out future scenes if I don't realise what AE is capable of?

I'm finding it quite complex at the moment, more so then any other program I've used (bar 3ds MAX), but that's fine as it is in fact widely considered a steep learning curve for most beginner. So all in all I feel that I can gradually build up my knowledge of the program through online tutorials and my project time at University, the plan is that by the end of my course here I will at least be of average standard in AE and be able to confidently incorporate VFX in my work flow.

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