Friday 18 November 2011

Design Practice 3: Assignment 1: Development: Part 4

Well the production stage of my political advert has now finished, It has took a lot of organization and scrounging, but in return I have gained one of the most aesthetically pleasing sets in the group, along with a semi-decent message. The main set for all the scenes was located In the countryside of Matlock Derbyshire, a whopping three hours drive away, and as I didn't own a car I had to rely a lot on my crew members (Jordon & Paul) for transport.

Off course petrol money had to be reimbursed for the expense of the long journey, which meant I realistically only had one take as my budget was already overflowing. In total this project racked up around £60 and 10 hours of filming, not to mention many more hours poured into pre-production, It has really put matters into perspective, the pure amount of effort you have to put into film, even for a 30 second project is astounding.

Production Stills:

Daniel Bissill alters the focus

The set is dressed for the cooking show
Some big pointers were; to never underestimate the amount of time needed to film even a short piece of footage, that shot lists are crucial, they were literally my lifeline on set, I referenced them more times than I can count. Getting to know the equipment a day (preferable weeks) before a shoot is also important and can save heaps of time. Furthermore always check you have the correct equipment and hire out spares, half our equipment was faulty or missing and finally don't hold out on your crew members, I am so glad I had three members rather than two, the roles demand more attention than one person can provide.

Jordan Brooks as 'Chef Gusto'
Widshot of the cooking show set
Post production has now started and I estimate to complete the project on time, titles, colour correction, VFX and soundmixing all need be completed by 25/11/11. A big thank you to Jordan Brooks (actor), Daniel Bissill (lighting), Pam Fletcher (location) & to Paul Dobson (assistant producer) for making It all possible.

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